With Report Check, you can quickly and conveniently confirm that the information on your report matches what is archived in the Gems Expertise report database.
If you can not find a report by its searching number, please contact our support team info@gems-expertise.com for the further information.
Our website www.gemsexpertise.com been hacked and we have to open a new one. On October 27, 2021, website of our laboratory www.gemsexpertise.com (hosted on www.ovh.co.uk, customer login sl135025-ovh) was registered on www.reg.ru, by unknown people. The website still features our company name, logo, address, phone number and tax id., as well as our business records and reports, without our knowledge, authorization or consent, to our great detriment. We requested authorities, that our personal and business information and our intellectual property be immediately removed from the website.
On December 2021 we found out unknown people registered another website www.gemsexpertise.org, in which they put again our company name, logo, address, phone number and tax id., as well as our business records and reports. We again requested competent authorities to remove all our information from that website.